
State of the Union Address, The Wrap-Up

simoom1/24/2012 10:52:53 pm PST

Saw this on a couple of different lefty blogs. Another Politifact “winner” of a ruling:

Have private-sector jobs grown by 3 million in 22 months, with the best annual totals since 2005?

“In the last 22 months, businesses have created more than three million jobs. Last year, they created the most jobs since 2005. American manufacturers are hiring again, creating jobs for the first time since the late 1990s.”

In his remarks, Obama described the damage to the economy, including losing millions of jobs “before our policies were in full effect.” Then he describe the subsequent job increases, essentially taking credit for the job growth. But labor economists tell us that no mayor or governor or president deserves all the claim or all the credit for changes in employment.

Our ruling

Obama is correct on both counts when using private-sector job numbers. But he went too far when he implicitly credited his administration policies. So we rate the statement Half True.

Bolding is mine. Statement is true but we don’t like what we think is being implied, so, half-true!