
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Killgore Trout6/02/2009 12:46:51 pm PDT

re: #588 sattv4u2

For example: Bailing out the banks. TARP was the right thing to do. I’m pretty sure when we look back at this in 3 or 4 years it will be pretty clear that it worked. Letting our financial infrastructure collapse would have been a huge disaster. Conservatives are opposing almost everything positive going on these days. The DHS memo, which relates to this shooting, hurt their feelings. Obama proposed a plan for public transparency for distributing Stimulus money and conservatives invented a conspiracy theory that the was going to silence criticism.
Conservatives are doing a lot of damage to themselves and they insist on continuing no matter how many warning they get.
Also See: Charles’ criticism of the Pravda story that’s making the rounds. There’s rampant stupidity.