
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Pledges to Ban Pornography, Support 'Robust Reproduction,' Fight Stealth Sharia

Birth Control Works7/08/2011 9:33:57 am PDT

re: #630 thedopefishlives

This is why I switched from my wife’s beautiful Dodge Dakota (4.7L V8, 18.5 mpg) to a rustbucket ‘84 Volkswagen (1.6L inline-4 diesel, ~50 mpg).

I think my next car is going to be a Prius-type. I just have to have something comfortable for my back AND big enough to hold a dog crate or two. I don’t have a car payment right now, so it will be a long time before I buy something new/used.

I have a couple of friends with diesel cars and they love them. I can’t ride in the little VW’s for long. My back can’t hack it.