
Jon Stewart to the Media: It's Time to Get Your Groove Back

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/02/2017 1:26:56 am PST

re: #60 Alyosha

The bit in the clip about Hopper from ‘A Bug’s Life’ bothered me alot because the context of his employment was to simply to terrify. When I was a kid, Hopper seemed to embody the nameless dread of another human being animalised (atavism in what is essentially an anthropomorphic narrative is now so technically meta that it raises my estimation of a fairly weak film retrospectively) but the bits where he was clearly unable to conceive of his tribe’s ultimate aim and thus the problematic nature of his role, was lost.

Hence my amazement.

Really good children’s literature and cinema always have deeper themes embedded in simple plots. An adult reading or watching a kid’s book or flick can enjoy the experience as much as the child, but for different reasons.