
A Reminder From Samantha Bee: The Muslim Ban Is Still a Thing [VIDEO]

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/21/2019 12:32:57 pm PDT

The thing is to a Millennial, the word “socialist” does not immediately conjure up images of the USSR. We’re told by those on FNC and on the right that we should love Capitalist and see Socialism as our enemy. But when we look at what has passed for Capitalism in the past 25 years, we have massive deregulation, the financial crisis, etc. And on matters that impact us personally like high tuition. It’s why even though I really dislike Bernie Sanders, I get his appeal to young people and I think it’s foolish to see his supporters as just being ratfuckers. A lot of them are sincere about their disgust with the current ecoomic system. The problem though is that A that system isn’t going to be fixed overnight and B that Bernie is a terrible person to fix it and C) the problem isn’t all Capitalism as Bernie would like to make it.