
ACORN Sting Videos Were Heavily Edited

BunnyThief12/08/2009 8:59:39 am PST

Obdicut, how thoughtful of them to set aside the most egregious ones. That would have made it very convenient to put the better forgeries in the pile of valid ones. After all, we can trust them — didn’t they already do a great job of flagging the bad ones?

“These are the ones you should pay the most attention to. Don’t worry so much about that stack over there.”

NO private organization should be in the business of registering voters. They wanna organize people to go to their city clerk’s office, fine. They wanna hold an event where public employees will be available to process forms, fine. But NO organization with a determined interest in the outcome of the election should be allowed to distribute, collect, and turn in voter registration forms.

And ACORN shows precisely why.