
Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes

Gus3/24/2011 11:17:46 am PDT

re: #63 Obdicut

Yep. The miniscule percentage of the 7% of unionized workers who go on strike— that’s obviously the real problem in this country. That’s why everyone should have to document their need for food stamps so well. We can’t have young bucks buying T-bone steaks, after all.

I just got a great old Herblock cartoon book.

Amazing how many of these issues are exactly laid out in there.

Everyone knows how easy it is to get food stamps and how families that do receive food stamps are free to purchase whatever they please! I say sarcastically. Do these people even stop and wonder about a so called union member that’s already receiving food stamps? If a family is receiving food stamps and are currently a member of a union that can only mean that they are still somewhat impoverished. Yes, those SEIU janitors are really bringing home the big money! “Eating steaks with their Cadillac Escalades and wide screen TVs” and other such Fox Nation stereotypes.