
Fox Covers the Olympics: Gabby Douglas Has 'Lost That Jingoistic Feeling'

Mattand8/06/2012 1:54:15 pm PDT

re: #37 Daniel Ballard

So it’s okay for a leading Senator to just make any accusation in the absence of evidence? I am sure to point that out someday when the partisan shoe is on the other foot. It probably won’t be long of a wait.

Now it seems to be official-Two wrongs make it right. Especially in an election year.

What have we come to for discourse?

Truth be told, I’m not wild about the Senate majority leader making accusations based on an unnamed source.

Having said that, this is the kind of noxious horseshit Republicans have been plying for years. It’s comical to see some conservatives running for the fainting couch now that the Dems are using the same playbook.

Do I like the process? No, but this is how the game is played now. Republicans made this mud pit, and now all of sudden they don’t want to get dirty.

And has been repeated multiple times: all Romney has to do is follow his father’s precedent and release multi-year tax returns. Mitt had no problem doing it for McCain in the 2008 VP vetting process.