
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Cato the Elder6/09/2010 8:47:30 pm PDT

re: #587 CuriousLurker

A few guesses:

1.) Stop allowing our military having any sort of presence in Saudi Arabia and refuse to let us use their airspace, then pressure other Muslim countries (who depend on their aid) to do the same. I’m not sure how out military carries out operations in Afghanistan & Iraq, but I’m guessing it would create a serious logistical problem for our troops if enough countries joined in. Considering the geography of the area, I would think it might also hamper access to Iran & the Persian Gulf and points beyond.

2.) Ramp up the export of Wahhabi ideology.

3.) As for the anti-Israel rhetoric, it could easily become anti-U.S. rhetoric as well.

I’d also keep in mind the fact that Mecca is in Saudi Arabia. Any attack on Mecca—accidental or otherwise—would trigger a massive conflict reaching from the shores of Europe to the Far East. Even a perceived threat to Mecca could start a major upheaval. Sunnis, Shias, Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Pakistanis, etc. would all put their differences aside in defense of Mecca. I guarantee it.

Would the Saudis risk do any of those things over us cutting off aid to the Palestinians? I don’t know. What I do know is it’s not a joke and nor would it be solved by some sort of cowboy “let’s nuke ‘em all back to the Stone Age” bullshit. I’m not saying that you (or any here is recommending that), but I have heard people—including at least one politician, Tom Tancredo—speak of bombing Mecca.

Thank you for a serious answer.

1. Why do you think we invaded Iraq? It wasn’t about oil, it wasn’t about WMD, it was always (strategically speaking) about a forward base in the Middle East. That’s what empires do: place their forces where they’re needed.

2. How much more can they ramp it up? I suspect that the disputed mosque in lower Manhattan is a Wahhabi project. Why else would the imam have made the payment in cash money?

3. Where do you see anti-US rhetoric lacking in the Arab world? How could more of the same hurt US?

Finally, Tancredo is an asshole. The only button I see his finger on is the one on his trousers. Have you seen any credible threats to Mecca lately?

Standing up to the Saudis might be worth the pudding proof.