
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

kirkspencer7/06/2011 9:06:46 am PDT

re: #605 Milty

OK, then, you guys win, it’s your territory.

But maybe look at how well things are going in Oslo, before you totally close the door on my message.


Yeah, I had to go digging. This is a lie.

The report it references is at .

Page 52 is the start of the section on nationality and citizenship of the offender. See for a specific page 54. Even if you can’t read Norwegian or use Google Translate the chart’s pretty easy to figure out. In 2010, 38.2% of offenders were Norse, 13.7 European, and 2.3% American. So much for all of them being non-Western.

Again, the video reporters are lying. It’s that simple.