
12 Years Later: Remembering 9/11

A Mom Anon9/11/2013 1:21:55 pm PDT

re: #636 GeneJockey

Mine too. I hear parents of 19 yr olds lamenting what little shits their kids are to them and I kinda smile. My son tells me he loves me every day and isn’t afraid to even put an arm around me in public. He’s a little metalhead, with long hair and a lot of people think he’s a dope smoking criminal, but I’ve seen him walk away from drugs and alcohol more than once. Goes to concerts, passes joints on to the next guy, says he’s not even interested. He’s got the biggest heart of anyone I think I’ve ever known. Yeah, it could be a lot worse. Aspergers is just a bump in the road, kind of a big bump, but not a mountain range.