
Instantaneous Outrageous Outrage: 'Obama Sides with Palestinians!'

palomino5/19/2011 5:09:22 pm PDT

A small but vocal far right faction in the US decided a long time ago that Obama was no friend of Israel. (They’re predisposed to flip out every time he mentions Israel, regardless of what he says. These people are predominantly evangelicals, who pretend to have a special place for Israel in their hearts only because its repopulation is a prerequisite for the Rapture, after which Jews (along with all other non-Christians) will be condemned to an eternal sea of fire.)

But the points in the speech being quibbled over are fairly esoteric—most Americans know little of 1967 border lines or settlement swaps. Thus I find it hard to believe that this speech will cause him long term harm. Especially since prominent Jewish Dems in the House already have his back rhetorically on this.