
Instapundit Says: The Solution Is More Guns, Fewer Gun-Free Zones

McSpiff12/15/2012 10:49:32 am PST

re: #643 William Barnett-Lewis

Why is the truth obtuse? Because you don’t want to be bothered knowing the difference? There are many significant differences between a real assault rifle and the black plastic semi-automatic weapons on the market.

Even more different are the M1 Garands or Remington 742 deer rifles that would be banned if you ban all semi-automatic weapons.

And don’t give me another worthless “Assault weapon ban” that banned nothing and stopped no crimes.

I absolutely understand the difference, but thanks for being an asshole anyways. I would never advocate a ban on something as narrow as semi-automatic weapons. That’s dumb, we both agree. What needs to be looked at is the availability of weapons designed to fire a large number of rounds in as short of a time as possible, with in some cases an added element of concealment. 5 round semi-auto long-gun style deer hunting rifle like the M1 or 742 is very different from something like the civilian model, semi-auto M4s or TEC-9s. But I’m sure you already understood that.