
Seth Meyers: Trump Has Election Meltdown as White House Covers Up COVID-19 Outbreak

A Mom Anon10/09/2020 4:58:59 am PDT

re: #61 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

My dad is a wingnut now. Ridiculously so. His parents were both staunch union members. My grandma was one of the first women to be a union steward at Anchor Hocking In Lancaster, OH. Dad worked for US Steel when I was a little kid until he was laid off about the time the auto industry began closing plants across OH and the rest of the Rust Belt. This was early in that process, it started slow and then spread like wildfire a few years later.That job bought my parents their first house, nice cars and the ability to be upwardly mobile. He hates unions now and thinks AARP is a liberal commie group. He’s got a reverse mortgage on the new huge house they bought a couple years ago, and my parents think Glenn Beck is a reliable source of news. I never understood their need to have a 4 or 5 bedroom house when no one but them lives there. Let’s just say that even if I had a relationship with my parents(we haven’t spoken in a year), there is no inheritance coming my way.

It was a few years after dad lost that union job that he started with the Amway/end times Christianity/ vote Republican crap that screwed my family up more than it was to start with.