
Breaking: Joe Miller's Security Guards Have No License

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/18/2010 6:21:21 pm PDT

re: #6 darthstar

Your link is brilliant!

I just have to post some of the better quotes from it!

What a bunch of clowns. Gun shop commandos is all they are or ever will be. I hope that reporter sues their “tactical” pants right off them.

Hmmm this sounds a lot like some other screen berets we know!

These brownshirt wannbees must have been bullied quite a bit when they were little boys. They are obviously playing out their fantasies of domination with their tough guy tactics but I guarantee you if any of these Rambos faced real danger and weren’t packing they run off screaming for their mommies.

Could this be where Iron Fist works?

These are a bunch of brown shirted Nazis who don’t know the law. Little boys who bully others on the playground now think it’s okay to do so in real life. Pinheaded, room-temperature-IQ-having, pimpled-dicked douche bags.

It is Iron Fist and Grimcargo! I didn’t know they had a shop in Alaska!

These are the people that have made the word “operator” and “tactical” sour in the mouth of anyone who takes this kind of stuff seriously.

Definitely stalker ilk…

Taped to their door is a sign saying “this is not a *#&%ing museum, don’t come in here to just look at stuff,” which to me, created a nice, amicable atmosphere conducive to the exchange of goods and services.

Savage is clearly the manager…

I then went in looking for a 1911 concealment holster, to which the chubby man decked out in multi-cam told me “we only deal in tactical gear, and concealment ain’t an option when you’re tactical, bro.”

HAHHAHHAAAHHAAA! That would be Former Corpsman on the register! They are all such experts in the *manly* arts of being so very *manly*

Stupid question on my part, I guess, being an OEF and OIF veteran… I then told him I guess I would look around the store for a little bit. As I perused the store, finding several items I was interested in, I heard the previous man and another clerk loudly talking about why there’s “so many $&%*ing ‘just lookers’ today.”

Ahhh the sales panache of Bunk, having to chime in and feel important too….

Half their items are without price tags, and what does is 50% too much, so not desiring any further interaction, I left.
