
Instapundit Says: The Solution Is More Guns, Fewer Gun-Free Zones

McSpiff12/15/2012 10:50:55 am PST

re: #649 Holidays are Family Fun Time

IIRC, the local government “sheriff” decides if you can have one, even if you qualify under the gun laws (which they did have). Most of those sheriffs are political appointees —i this case the regime is muslim. People in the south were Christians and Animists. Made it really hard for the southern farmers to defend their farms —and many are now refugees. Ethnic cleansing by lack of self-defense?

I haven’t researched this In a couple years so the information is old may have been refuted.

IANSA published, at one time, the list of gun laws for what ever countries publshed them. I think, like a lot of human rights laws, a lot are worded to please the International Community and as a goal, but aren’t strictly followed yet.

…if you actually believe everything you just posted I highly suggest you do some actual research before posting about it.