
In Which Paul Ryan's Primary Opponent Cites White Supremacist Chuck C. Johnson

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/02/2016 10:11:23 am PDT

Rescuers say toxic gas dropped on Syrian town where Russian helicopter shot down

A Syrian rescue service operating in rebel-held territory said on Tuesday a helicopter dropped containers of toxic gas overnight on a town close to where a Russian military helicopter had been shot down hours earlier.

The opposition Syrian National Coalition (SNC) accused President Bashar al-Assad of being behind the attack. Assad has denied previous accusations of using chemical weapons.

A spokesman for the Syria Civil Defence said 33 people, mostly women and children, were affected by the gas, which they suspect was chlorine, in Saraqeb, in rebel-held Idlib province.


Has anyone asked Drumpfskind what he thinks about using gas warfare?