
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

Cato the Elder6/14/2010 9:47:36 pm PDT

By the way, as an aside, and without presuming upon your attention or otherwise asking you to step outside your bounds, may I recommend to Charles and the other numerous lovers here of the Muse Euterpe, with no warranty or guarantee, implied or explicit, the band

Two Gallants


They take their very name from a scurrilous story by James Joyce, and they rock the casbah.

After all, any musicions who have the stones to name a song “Threnody” in this day when all but the most unprepossessed Romans cry “graecum est, non legitur” when e’er an Attic word makes its unwonted appearance is to be applauded.

[Please forgive my discursive exegetical circumstantial digressive tone, but I am but recently embarked upon a course of reading both satirical and serious, though I venture to hope not dessicated, comprising the great mockers from Joyce back unto his antecedents, Sterne, Carlyle - he of Sartor Resartus - and forwards from Lucian, Cervantes, and the inestimable obscenities of Rabelais - with excursions into the works of Pynchon, Heller, De Lillo, Mencken, Swift, Chaplin, the Brothers Coen, Franklin, Pope, Shakespeare, Twain, Cooke, Zakani, and Colbert. It may take me a while to reemerge from this mania but I trust the result shall be better, more scathing original satire here on this esteemed board.]

At any rate, check out the music.

If you’ve got a throat
I’ve got a knife.

—Two Gallants