
The Case of the Creationist Mom

Sharmuta3/19/2009 7:26:59 pm PDT

re: #655 BatGuano

My last word on this subject. All your children belong to the government.

That is just not true! I’m sorry but the public schools, for all their flaws, are better for these kids than an abusive situation. Children can and do survive public schools. Also bear in mind the worst public schools are usually inner-city schools, and that’s not what these children will be attending. These kids will be fine.

Also- this is not about creationism- this is about parental rights, and the parent who shows they’re more capable of providing stability and a decent environment to raise the children is likely the parent that’s going to win custody. In this case, it is imperative to the well being of the children to not be in an environment where they can be abused. The dad simply must fight for his children if he’s a good father at all. And in this case the children are lucky they have a dad who cares about them. A caring Dad can really make a difference in a kid’s life.