
NSA Bombshell Story Falling Apart Under Scrutiny

mr.JA6/09/2013 3:13:30 am PDT

So, I haven’t really followed the whole PRISM story, but I thought the big thing was that the government ordered very broad data from a phone company.
The collection of anonymized online data doesn’t bother me so much, but a government that asks to turn-over very broadly phone records does, since that would fall under ‘warrentless searches’.
Although I can understand the terrorism thread and whatnot, has terrorism been used as a wide excuse (by GWB and the current administration) to enforce things like the Patriot Act and establish Gitmo. In the meanwhile, many innocent people die b/c of smoking and unsafe gun use - maybe it is time to focus on those killers, instead of some phantom enemy…
I dunno, I don’t like such extensive and broad government surveillance - I can somehow live with some form of anonymized data transfer, but orders like that given to phone companies is something I completely dislike.