
The Bob & Chez Show: Great Hate and Sickness

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge5/20/2016 7:29:19 pm PDT

re: #60 Anymouse

The NRA is not being disingenuous. It is lying.

That said, I need to wind this up. I need to prepare for tomorrow night’s special village board meeting (reorganisation of the board). As the second-most senior person on the board now, will it put the disabled vet liberal atheistic hippie Democrat in as chair pro-tempore (vice mayor) in an uber-conservative Panhandle town?

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of “Underdog”

Too good to be true. We had “Failin’ Palin”, but now someone whose name actually is Fallin—not even with an “o” like Jimmy? We couldn’t get that lucky.