
Whittled Down From a List of 35,000, Here Are Trump's 100 Most Tremendous Scandals [VIDEO]

Jay C11/30/2020 11:40:57 am PST

re: #55 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips

Honestly, not unexpected

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[I Am Not A Naval Engineer Disclaimer] - but even I had figured this out after the fire hadnā€™t been contained or extinguished after a day: the cost of an extensive structural rebuild such as BHR was likely to require was probably enough that the Navy thought it worth its while (and well-worth it, Iā€™m sure, to whatever MIC mega-corp would get a possible contract) to just build a new one.

Though of course, the Navy will probably go to great lengths to cover up the REAL reason for Bonhomme Richardā€™s scrapping: that it was blown up by a secret robot stealth torpedo fired from the Antifa Marine Commandoā€™s secret robot stealth submarine: the ASS Saul Alinskyā€¦