
There's No Conspiracy in the 'Climategate' Emails

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/04/2009 1:39:25 pm PST

re: #55 Aceofwhat?

Similarly, i think that we should burn less fossil fuels because it’s the right economic and sustainable decision…an approach that would appeal to many who deny AGW…and we’d create much less CO2 while we were at it. Coming around to AGW is an unecessary step in the fight to reduce CO2 emissions; all that’s required is a concern for future sustainability.

Does that make any sense?

I agree with that and it makes sense, but it is also very, important, to me, to not indulge the AGW deniers too much, because science as a whole suffers. While from a pragmatic point of view in regards to solving AGW, I’ll use whatever practical approach will work, rather than red-facedly insisting everyone admit AGW is real before we do anything, I do think that this whole shebang shows an underlying problem with the American public vis-a-vis science, and how politicians and the media use scientists as targets in a very, very reprehensible way.