
Teabonics Sign of the Day

Sigma_x4/09/2010 12:02:58 pm PDT

Yeah, I saw that. Made me sick to my stomach. However, the facts are these…

—-The Dow? Up from 7,000 to 11,000.
—-Jobs? 700,000 losses a month to 160,000 jobs created.
—-Recovery/Stimulus Act? Added 1.8 million jobs.
—-GDP (economic growth)? -6 percent to +6 percent. (Technically, the recession is over.)
—-Housing prices? Up 20%.
—-Affordable Health Care now a reality (plus you won’t get cut off mid-chemo.)

If the democrats stick to the facts, they win. Period. No matter how much FOX tries to lie about the “imapct” of his presidency.