Comment Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at Democratic Strategist

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin9/30/2011 6:40:24 pm PDT

re: #55 laZardo

Considering that what passes for “center-left” in America is really “center-right” elsewhere, this might not be such a bad thing unless it actually does result in a TPGOP victory.

There are plenty of things that could result in such a victory - the race is always the incumbent’s to lose.

I’m just not seeing this growing glee at some impending marxist revolution KT is concern trolling about, not in my circles. I’m seeing a lot of ho-hum.

This OWS is not Tea Party 2.0, either. Anybody who really thinks there will be OWS equivalents of the tea party two years from now, like the OWS Sharron Angle, or Christine O’Donnell, or Palin, Bachmann, Nikki Haley, Allen West, Joe Miller, etc., has not been paying attention to left history of the past 80 years.

Tempest/tea pot.