
Posner on Sotomayor

loppyd5/26/2009 2:03:25 pm PDT

re: #649 nyc redneck

it is troublesome that someone at the level of nominee for scotus would banter
abt. the subjects of their gender and nationality as relevant to their ability to make ‘better’ decisions in any legal capacity at all.
this is very unprofessional.
it shows she has not moved beyond the very issues that could cause her to be biased in her decisions.
she should be a jurist first, seeking objective interpretation of the law.
i don’t even want to know she is a woman and a latino.
i just want to know she is an intelligent, experienced person who respects the constitution.
she is muddying the waters w/ race and gender.
we don’t need this. it makes me think she is unqualified fundamentally.

Amen. There is a reason that Lady Justice is wearing a blindfold.