
The Case of the Creationist Mom

Mostly sane, most of the time.3/19/2009 7:42:03 pm PDT

re: #659 BatGuano

Just so you understand where I am coming from:

I am a homeschooler.

I am pro-parent’s rights.

I have a cousin whose wife and her family went into a cult, and he’s used up his parents’ savings just to try and get the visitation he has.

I had a friend, years back, who was supposed to have died at Jonestown. Her mother was hiding her from her father, who was the cult member.

I realize all of this is personal and not factual. When your own family is testifying it’s a cult, there is a problem, and it isn’t the homeschooling. HSLDA wouldn’t touch this one, which shows you just how much it isn’t actually about homeschooling.

If Mommy was my sister, I would tell her to go to a real church, repair the damage to her marriage, and ask if she can’t homeschool using Calvert or some other neutral curriculum.