
Video: Putting Faith In Its Place

Don9/27/2009 11:44:43 pm PDT

re: #654 Bagua

You don’t get it. I’m admitting you are right. Everything you’ve said here and everything you’ve ever said everywhere is absolutely correct.

The God I believe in is an utter myth, fake, false, doesn’t exist, never did.

But, the fact that my life is made better by my belief bugs you. And, if I’m incorrect, let me apologize and say that it bugs a lot of people, the religiously agnostic/atheists if you will. This thread is the most evangelical I’ve been in years. I’m not anonymous and a brief search of my blog and the interweb would confirm this. I don’t give my testimony, I don’t proselytize, I don’t have a little fish on the back of my car, I don’t belong to an organized religion (wife and kids are another subject). It’s just me, my bible and my faith. And, for some reason, this drives some people bonkers. I don’t get it.