
Overnight Open Thread

FrogMarch2/20/2009 6:57:18 am PST

As we wait for Obama to make and inevitable horrendous pro-union big waste of tax payer money decision.

The union killed GM’s profitability - so what do the pro-democrat pro-union pundits do? such bad faith economically illiterate idiots.

Revealing that E.J. Dionne refers to the “plan to salvage the unionized car companies.” Does Dionne ask why it’s only the unionized car companies that need salvaging? Or is he hinting at something else—after all, he talks about his new Malibu, which he says he’ll drive with pride “as long as GM stays unionized.” Is the idea that GM wouldn’t be worth bailing out, in Dionne’s eyes, if it weren’t unionized? Are all his policy positions driven by vestigial pro-union sentimentality?