
The Dumbest Man on the Internet Should Be Embarrassed by This, but He Won't Be

Reality Based Steve8/08/2014 9:03:36 am PDT

re: #661 Targetpractice

Obama is a tyrant who apparently is biding his time, waiting until we’ve been lulled into a sense of complacency before making his move. Totally out of sync with every dictator and tyrant in history, but I’m sure that’s all just part of his cunning plan.

And seriously, the Tea Party as “centrist”? How do they reach that, other than classifying everything to the left of Genghis Khan as “liberal”?

His plan is so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel.

Truth is, I’ve already seen the “Obama is going to stage a false flag operation and cancel the elections” comments starting to show up.