
Video: Rachel Maddow to Koch Brothers: No, I Won't Read Your Script

Ming1/04/2014 12:25:09 pm PST

re: #47 missliberties

The Kochs have quietly pushed free market purists on several school boards, and state universities, spending millions to usurp longtime qualified locals who don’t know how to ‘think right’ about the wonders of pure freedom that would be unleashed by worshipping at the altar of unfettered capitalism.

I agree with your comment. I think it’s worth emphasizing that many on the right wing sing the praises of “the free market”, but don’t practice what they preach. Are the Koch brothers against special tax breaks, specifically for the oil industry? Are they against the hundreds of billions of dollars in farm subsidies that go to red states? Do they favor simplifying our Soviet-style ultra-complex tax code?

I don’t know any of these details. But I sometimes would love to ask people like the Koch brothers what exactly they mean by “pure freedom”, “the free market”, or “unfettered capitalism”.