
Former Port Authority Official Says Christie Knew About Lane Closings

Lidane1/31/2014 1:44:32 pm PST

Freepers haven’t decidedif this is a librul MSM plot to destroy a viable candidate, an MSM plot to make Christie sympathetic so he’ll be the next nominee, or a RINO getting what he deserves. Also, BENGHAZI!

This is big. Like RomneyCARE for Romney, this will
make him the “SHINE” … as the next GOP losing candidate.

One down……….. Mr Bush, please stand by

Fat boi is a bully. We all know that.

Ironically, the MSM will be the ones to come to his rescue so he doesn’t lose his status as the next Dole-McCain-Romney republican candidate they all love to have on the ballot.

this is what the media/nsa/democrat complex does…it destroys viable candidates time and again….
how many good candidates have there been where “something” just happens to happen or be discovered accidentally of course….

they’ll go after Rand or Cruz or Jeb or whoever next, to pave the way for their next god….

stop falling for this time and again people….

The truth doesn’t matter. Their strategy is to keep bringing the bridge thing up until the Republican party bigs drop Christie.

He is a threat to their entrenched power, and can win.

If you don’t think Romney started running last week, … well, you’re in good compny. Not even rush seems to be picking up on that. But Romney’s back in and just when anyone could sense Christie was out
Which was as soon as this story broke

Too bad he hugged The One.

Good! Now they can BBQ that bloated RINO over an open fire!

If they could only figure out a way to link Jeb Bush my day would be complete.

For once, a candidate whom I really did not want to suck the air out of everything is getting the Dem treatment and it’s fine with me.

He’s truly screwed if he did; this is construable as a felony, and if the Feds are involved, as they are, they may make a big fat meal out him.

Well its not like he refused to provide a US Ambassador with security and then refused to send help to prevent the murder of four Americans.

Neither is it like he was selling guns to drug traffickers directly resulting in the deaths of Americans and thousands of Mexicans.

Or using the IRS to persecute innocent Americans for their political beliefs.

Christie is a a jerk - a repugnicant version of the typical thug dim. He smooched Barrys butt to stick it to Romney. The state of NJ deserves him, and that is where he should stay. If he bounces his way to the GOP nomination it will be 8 years of swillary. I have serious doubts that we will ever be able to undo the damage done by barry. If she is elected, America, as we used to know it, is most certainly finished.