
Thursday Night Jam: Bonnie Raitt Performs Live, for Amazon Front Row 2016

Shropshire Slasher12/23/2016 5:56:16 am PST

In time, these reviews will be plucked from the site, and aggressive trolls could face lawsuits for their words, even if they were simply horsing around.

“Retailers are taking an aggressive stand to crack down on fake reviewers; Amazon has sued more than 1000, for example,” said Goldberg.

Amazon sues fake reviewers because reviews are such important credentials for a brand.

“In many cases, ratings and review are now more important than brand reputation to a product’s success,” said Goldberg. “So anything that affects the integrity of reviews is of great concern to marketers.”

That said, these aren’t really the kind of fake reviews that could hurt a huge brand like Ivanka Trump’s. It’s the false reviews that cite realistic complaints about a product, like poor quality or inaccurate sizing, that can actually hurt a brand — not wisecracks or political digs.