
Overnight Open Thread

Syrah7/20/2009 12:40:37 am PDT

re: #57 kynna

Still the most hilarious one is at my son’s school. One of those useless “Smart” cars with an Obama bumper sticker. LOL. An expensive car that rides rough, only seats two people, doesn’t much better gas mileage than an average economy car and requires premium gas. If that’s not the automotive metaphor for the Obama administration I don’t know what is.

One of my environmental science professors argued that every true-blue environmentalist should run out and buy old second hand Dodge Darts. The car is very well designed, very easy to maintain and they are already built. No new resources need to be extracted or processed to make them. They are sitting in peoples driveways or rotting in their back yards nearly free for the taking. (that was 15 years ago.)