
Moving Still Stinks Open Thread

HoosierHoops4/14/2009 5:44:00 pm PDT

re: #627 avanti

OK the camergate link says

“Take a look at the picture at AP and notice all the cameras are the same models? Coincidence? I think not.”
When you go the the link I provided, the camera are different. To believe this one, we have to assume:

The troops would not bring there own camera to a meeting with the POTUS, that the POTUS’
s staff bought and supplied a bunch of different cameras and loaned them to the troops, then gathered them back up.
Out of that whole deal, one soldier sends a e-mail home describing the scam, the rest keep the secret. If the right runs with this story, it’ll turn out badly IMHO.

Avanti..Just drop it..There is no CameraGate.. I know for a fact that every Marine in the 3/5th has His/Her own personal digital camera with 2GB chips
I’m wouldn’t bet the farm that every service member has their own personal camera on hand..But I’d think about it..90% at least..Bullshit story..Let’s drop it Chief..
Hope today finds you well