
Council of Conservative Citizens: Dylann Roof Had "Legitimate Grievances"

BeachDem6/22/2015 11:32:31 am PDT

Just as a point of interest—Current US Congressman, Joe “You Lie” Wilson in 2000 (when he was a SC State Senator during the move the flag controversy)

Republican senator Joe Wilson say it is all about pride and history, and nothing to do with racism and hate. He finds comparisons with Nazis odious.

“That’s offensive to me that they would take my heritage and make it into a Holocaust era type description. I find that very offensive, and it’s not true,” Senator Wilson said. “The Southern heritage, the Confederate heritage is very honourable.”

He said that after the war, the South became the most patriotic region of the United States.

And, delineating directly when southern Democrats became Republicans—Exhibit A—Arthur Ravenel, Jr.—

He was a Democratic member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 1953 to 1959. He switched to Republican affiliation in the early 1960s—hmmm, wonder why THAT happened???

During the 2000 fight, state senator Arthur Ravenel — referred to the NAACP as “the National Association of Retarded People” and later apologized to “retarded people” for associating them with the NAACP.

Oh, those liberals and their confederate-flag-supporting-ways!!

BTW—the bridge into Charleston is named after Ravenel, and his drug-convicted son, Thomas, who was once State treasurer, ran against Lindsey Graham and stars in a reality show (because of course he does) “Southern Charm.”