
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

lawhawk6/01/2012 8:09:29 am PDT

Speaking of focus on ethnic/racial identity, it seems that Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) is hung up on the matter in a big way. He thinks that Democrats are purposefully targeting minorities to hook them on government dependence ad infinitum:

Walsh, who isn’t the most nuanced public speaker, told constituents at a town hall meeting in Schaumburg, Ill. that the Democratic Party targets African American and Hispanic voters because they want them to be “dependent upon government” and that the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. would “be out of a job” if blacks were self-sufficient. The CREDO SuperPAC, a political action committee dedicated to voting out Walsh and nine other members of Congress they dubbed the “Tea Party Ten,” videotaped the town hall meeting and posted the money quotes.

“We have so many people dependent upon government. So many people want handouts. The Democratic Party promises groups of people everything. They want the Hispanic vote; they want Hispanics to be dependent upon government. Just like they got African Americans dependent upon government. That’s their game. Jesse Jackson would be out of work if they weren’t dependent upon government. There’d be no work for him.”

This isn’t the first time Walsh has dipped his toes into this in-need-of-skimming pool. He previously stated that the media will protect President Obama because he’s black, skipped Obama’s jobs speech to Congress last year because he didn’t want to be used as a “prop,” said Obama is “not Israel’s friend,” defended last year’s House Committee on Homeland Security hearings on Muslim radicalization as “clinical and focused,” yelled at his own constituents at a previous town hall meeting (which he later blamed on having too much coffee on an empty stomach), said congressional hearings on birth control weren’t about women, and has had well-publicized issues with back child support payments to his ex-wife.