
A Good Piece at WaPo on the Relationship Between Michael Brown and Friend Dorian Johnson

Ziggy_TARDIS9/01/2014 1:06:14 pm PDT

Hey, I found another instance of Harper on disrupting research in Canada.

This time Historical, and being pro-British, and anti-Scandinavian:

Tanfield Valley

Excavations in 2012 led by Patricia Sutherland, adjunct professor of archaeology at Memorial University in Newfoundland found evidence of medieval Norse textiles, masonry, and metallurgy. Pelts from Old World rats have also been discovered.[2] However, the Canadian government fired Sutherland in 2012 and prevented her from accessing her work because it didn’t fit with the government’s agenda for historical research, which was changed to focus more on British history; as of 2014, she has not been able to continue her research.[3] The CBC show The Fifth Estate featured the story in a January 2014 documentary titled The Silence of the Labs.