
An Epic John Oliver Deep Dive Into "Voting Rights" [VIDEO]

A Mom Anon9/27/2021 12:35:59 pm PDT

re: #60 Dopamine Fish

I am so sorry this is happening to your family. I understand how it hurts. I have no idea if my family is antivax or not, but my dad has been known to take colloidal silver for his “health”, and my mom was still listening to Glenn Beck when we were still speaking about 3 yrs ago. So I am guessing they probably aren’t vaccinated. Maybe. My sister has MS, I would hope she is, but my parents’ decades of wingnut madness has rubbed off on her too. I haven’t heard from any of them since about Nov of 2018. Lots of us have lost our families to this, to me, that’s why so many people deserve an ass beating. I’m tired of taking the high road and being nice, it does NOT work with sociopathic assholes.