
Turkish PM Gets Hero's Welcome in Istanbul for Jew-Hatred

vapig1/30/2009 10:37:58 am PST

re: #44 Dark_Falcon

Which I would never support. I agree that the Hagia Sofia ideally should be a church, but to harm the Dome of the Rock (which is a beautiful and historic building) would be just plain wrong. Just saying.

I would. It is just another example of islam stealing holy places of other established religions (i.e. Istanbul was once Christian Constantinople):

History of the Dome of the Rock

The sacred rock over which the Dome of the Rock is built was considered holy before the arrival of Islam. Jews believed, and still believe, the rock to be the very place where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac (an event which Muslims place in Mecca). In addition, the Dome of the Rock (or the adjacent Dome of the Chain) is believed by many to stand directly over the site of the Holy of Holies of both Solomon’s Temple and Herod’s Temple.