
"Scapegoat Hunter" - Jon Stewart's Brilliant Piece on the Cult of the Gun

Birth Control Works1/09/2013 1:32:38 pm PST

re: #57 Interesting Times

In an earlier thread, I brought up the lack of viable self-defense weapons that incapacitate without killing. Though I gave the example of tranquilizer guns at the time, that certainly wasn’t all I meant - there are bound to be other options, available now or possible to create (I’m leaving tasers aside for now as they have problems of their own).

So here’s a thought - what about a device that sprays out a massive gob of foam, fire-extinguisher style, that not only physically blocks a person’s vision if it gets in their face, but stinks like skunk spray and causes massive itching? Shouldn’t that stop an attacker long enough for would-be victims to escape?

Oh wait, did you see the jaunte’s link about the hagfish?