
President Obama and Economics 101

Van Helsing3/03/2009 8:29:05 pm PST

“This is a deep moral imperative to make our society more just. But it’s very good economic policy, too,” Geithner told the House Ways and Means Committee, emphasizing that none of the tax hikes would take effect “until we are safely into recovery” in 2011. “It will make our nation stronger and not just more just.”

It just keeps getting more and more f***ed up. Who knew that a tax system where 10% of the wage earners pay 90% of the taxes was biased towards the rich?

Who would have guessed that a tax system where 45% of the wage earners pay no federal income tax and (IIRC) some 15% of those get back MORE than was withheld was giving a free pass to the wealthy?

F***ing shame I was educated before the Carter inflicted the Dept of Education on us.

I can do math and read charts. Pity that fartknocker in the Whitehouse can’t.