
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

TakeFive4/15/2009 2:45:02 pm PDT

Charles, how exactly did Eric Odom organize all these rallies? Perhaps the way Al Shapton organizes; show up and get in the spotlight?

My coworker, very conservative engineer, used a vacation day to attend one of the rallies here in California. Want to know who organized him? Reynolds, Malkin, Mish, Calculated Risk, that have been blogging on this topic for ages.

Charles, I’ve been reading your site almost since it’s inception. Even when criticizing middle east atrocities you maintained a sense of humor and a bit of professional detachment. Lately though, there’s a tone of self-righteousness creeping into your posts. Everything is six degrees from nazi’s or creationists and now you want us to stay away from anti-tax rallies cause of a few Paulians? Now you don’t get holding a sign with “Right Wing Extremist” is as much sarcasm as frustration at with the way reasonable thinking people are being labeled?

It’s like Andrew Sullivan’s excellent commentary after 9/11 eventually turned into a blog about torture, gay marriage, torture, torture, gay marriage, christanists, torture… It drove a lot of us away.

I get it that you’re not a right-winger, in spite of how others label you. You strike me as a moderate lefty with a clear sense of right and wrong. But perhaps like Sullivan, you’re just returning to your natural center.