
Who's Behind the GoFundMe Crowd-Funding Pages for Darren Wilson?

William Lewis8/23/2014 5:34:02 am PDT

re: #65 Dark_Falcon

The cuts were part of the general reduction in government spending the House decided was essential. Especially now that funding for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs has been not simply ring-fenced but notably expanded (for good reason and with bipartisan support) some cuts need to be made elsewhere.

The house is, as always under the GOP, simply wrong. Investing in research is always a better use of money than wasting it on yet another DOD boondoggle. NASA, CDC, DARPA, and real basic research should be seeing huge increases if we want to have a nation still worth living in 50 to a 100 years from now.

But the greedheads in the house only want to fund those who pay them enough and to gut everything else because they want their nation without having to pay for it.

To paraphrase David Bowie, the shame is on the other side. But the rest of us can still be heroes, even if for only one day.