
The Bob & Chez Show: Tiny Hands, Big Bowl of Meat

Belafon5/06/2016 11:27:00 am PDT

re: #51 Big Beautiful Door

The thing about Bernie’s issues is that, if Bernie was the nominee, as a scary socialist he would drive enough conservatives to the polls to ensure GOP control of the House and possibly the Senate as well. The only way to get any progressive legislation passed is to run a centrist campaign in the hopes that Trump is such a disaster that GOP leaning districts will elect enough moderate Democrats to get to 218 Representatives in the House. Berniebros may not like those people, who won’t pass any liberal purity tests, but the Democrats can’t pass anything in Congress without them. A Bernie Presidency would be a tire fire.

And I don’t think you have to run all the way to the middle. But you do have to recognize that the country, and the Democratic party especially, is more diverse than the white working class male population, and that not all of the problems are economic ones.