
John Oliver Tells Us More Than We Ever Wanted to Know About the National Debt

KGxvi4/05/2021 11:59:16 am PDT

re: #4 Alephnaught

From previous thread:

How can person from race [A] be racist to person of race [B]? Well, it’s pretty simple: if person of race [A] is pedalling racial stereotypes of race [B] to a person of race [B], then person of race [A] is being racist. It doesn’t matter which race that person of race [A] is, what matters is the pedalling of racist stereotypes of race [B] towards a person of race [B]. That’s the racism, and it doesn’t matter what race [A] is, it’s still racism against [B].

There’s an argument that “racism” requires political power. Which is true of systemic/institutional racism. But interpersonal racism, which what you describe, doesn’t require much more than a general “fuck those people because they are different from me” attitude.