
Resigned USDA Official: Breitbart's Video Was a Lie

Spare O'Lake7/20/2010 9:05:02 am PDT

re: #62 Fozzie Bear

Of course, I agree that they reacted too quickly.

But, that doesn’t make this about them, nor does it make it at all their fault. Everybody got to see ACORN utterly destroyed over nothing. That creates fear, which creates a jumpy atmosphere. Nobody wants to be the next target of the right. People haven’t forgotten about ACORN, and further back, MLK, JFK, RFK.

This is the American political style. The leaders on the right scare their base, the base scare the political opponents of their leaders, and much of the time they get their way. It all depends on paranoia and fear to work.

You have a very jaded view of the Obama administration.