
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/05/2011 8:07:09 pm PDT

re: #30 Bubblehead II

An interesting article.

SoHo Billboard: Womb is ‘The Most Dangerous Place’ for an African American

Yet they wonder why so many of us aren’t in their so-called “prolife” camp.

They can shriek about Klanned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger until they are blue in the face, fact is, the one thing that frightens them to the point of irrational anger is the idea of women’s physical autonomy. All the more so for those they believe they have every right to c-o-n-t-r-o-l.

They’re all talk when the fetus is in the womb, but once these Black children are born, they say nothing.

Even worse, the attitude is throw them in prison because they are natural criminals, anyway. Or hey, you could abort them all and the crime rate will go down, oh wait…

Anybody who really believes today’s social conservatives have any intention of moving beyond some time in 1850 is kidding themselves.