
Obamacare Will Pay for Abortions

NukeAtomrod8/07/2009 8:32:45 am PDT

re: #688 Salamantis

You’re not paying for OTHER PEOPLES’ coverage; you’re only paying for your own. Of course, if all the money goes in the same pot and is disbursed from there, those who need less health care services are de facto subsidizing those who need more.

That is how all insurance works. With private insurance, you can choose which pot to put your money into. With public insurance, there’s only one pot. Can you see my point? If you can choose the pot, you have an influence on what your money will pay for. If there’s only one pot, your options are dictated to you.

I would be okay with a government health care plan that gave individuals or families a voucher to pay for the private insurance of their choice. (Unfortunately, neither side is suggesting such a plan.) I object to the government controlling health care, because then they control you. Abortion isn’t the issue here, the government making any choices about your health care is!