
NPR: European Islamophobia Finds a Home in the US

elbruce8/23/2010 11:57:41 pm PDT

re: #679 kamala

If you read the review, and the book, you’ll see that repeatedly espouses that the West should support Islamists. The full quote is here:

Undoubtedly, some of the governments that will arise from truly democratic elections in the Middle East may hold views and pursue policies that are contrary to the interests of the United States. But so long as the ruling regimes in these countries ignore the demands of their people (with the tacit approval of the United States) while Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hizballah work to address their socioeconomic needs, populations throughout the region will continue to throw their support behind the Islamists — as well they should. It is a political truism that when it comes to elections, he who cleans the streets gets the votes.

But hey, he’s critical of Pam Geller, so Aslan must be a great guy!

He’s saying that electorates vote in their own local interest. That’s all he’s saying there. How do you disagree with that?

I know you’d like it if the Palestinians just asked the U.S. State Department who they should vote for and did that, but I don’t think it’s “Islamist” to vote for the people who are taking care of basic local governmental needs when it comes time to vote for who should take care of basic local governmental needs.

Now, Palestinians voting for Hamas is a bad thing, I’m not saying otherwise. It monkey-wrenched the hell out of the peace process. But just blaming the Palestinian voters for doing it doesn’t solve the issue. Nor does it do any good to call someone an “Islamist” just for pointing that out